Welcome to the Possum Labs Test site

This is a site intended for practicing the creation of selenium test automation implementations. It focuses on simulating the essential parts of a Line of Business Application. Business applications are about managing relational data. In this application, we have Dealers; Dealers have Stores and Inventory Locations. Stores have Users, and Inventory Locations have Items. There is a many to many relationships between the Store and Inventory Location.

The site comes pre-loaded with data and utilizes local storage.

This site was created by Barbara Whiting (https://github.com/whitingba) to support the Possum Labs DSL (http://dsl.possumlabs.com/) project. The Possum Labs DSL project focuses on creating tests for existing applications in a human-readable customizable domain-specific language.

The source code for this site is available at https://github.com/Possum-Labs/Homepage

*Login credentials for both user name and password: possum

Store Dealer
Inventory Location Dealer
Item Inventory Location

By clicking the 'Clear All User Data' button you will be clearing all data you have input into the tables